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Eoc 2 Test Prep Solar System Review Answer Key

What is Solar System?

The solar system is the system created past all the objects (planets, moons, comets, asteroid, meteoroids, etc.) that orbit the Sun keeping it at the center. All these objects are spring to the Sun by gravitational forces. Refer to Fig. 1 showing the Sun forth with its planets.

Sun and its planets
Fig. 1: Sun and its planets (Reference: Wikipedia)

Let'southward learn about the solar system through the worksheet provided below. Answers are provided at the end of the worksheet. Option for Printing or making pdf is provided at the end of the article.

Worksheet on Solar Organisation

1. Fill in the blanks by providing correct answers related to Solar Arrangement

a. The name of the largest planet of solar system is ___
b. The distance betwixt Lord's day and world is _______________ .
c. The proper name of the planet that is nearest to Earth is ______
d. The planet which the closest to earth in size is _________________
e. The distance of moon from World is _________________ .
f. ____ is the centre of the solar system.
g. Name of the first person who reached to space is _________________ .
h. The diameter of Globe is ______________ .
i. In the twelvemonth _________ the Halley's Comet will be visible from Earth over again.
j. ____________ is the first women who reached to infinite.

2.Lucifer Column A with Cavalcade B

Cavalcade A Column B
i. Center of the Solar System A. Mercury
2. Number of stars in the Milky Fashion B. Venus
3. The  planet known as Morning Star or the Evening Star C. Uranus
iv. The closest planet to the sun D. Jupiter
5. Satellite of Globe Eastward. More than 100 billion
6. The first person to set up pes on the Moon F. Mars
7. Uttermost planet of the solar organization G. Sun
eight. Planet Has the Most Moons H. Neil Armstrong
9. Ruby planet in the solar organization I. Moon
10. seventh planet of the solar organisation J. Neptune

three. Write T if the statement is True and F, if False

a. Phobos & Deimos are the satellites of Mars
b. The historic period of the Globe is approximately four.54 billion years
c. Sun rays take around eight minutes to react to Earth.
d. Saturn has the maximum number of moons or natural satellite
e. Venus has the maximum number of volcanoes.
f. In the year 1957, the first man-made object was sent to space.
one thousand. High tide and Depression tide are governed by the gravity of the Mars
h. Pluto is a dwarf planet.
i. When the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, a lunar eclipse occurs
j. The elapsing of a Solar Eclipse is around Seven and one-half Minutes.

4. Choose the right respond for the given questions?

(Respond Primal: Earth; Neptune, Mercury; Coma; Venus; Ganymede; Mercury and Venus; Hydrogen; 8; Mars)

a. Name the planets which exercise not take natural satellites?
b. What is the proper noun of one of the natural satellites of Jupiter?
c. Name of the planet that spins backwards relative to other planets?
d. What is the proper noun of the glowing head of a comet?
e. The sun is mostly fabricated of this element?
f. Name of the planet which does not have any atmosphere?
thousand. This planet has erosion by running h2o other than Earth?
h. Number of planets in solar system?
i. This planet is named after the Roman god of the body of water?
j. Name of the planet that is largely covered by h2o?

five. Answer the following questions

a. Olympus is the proper name of the highest peak of Which Planet?
b. What is the function of the spacecraft Juno?
c. From which year does the Pluto is not considered as a Planet?
d. What is the name of the largest natural satellite of planet Neptune?
e. Why is Mars also called Red Planet?
f. Which function of the Sun is visible by humans?
g. Which is the fastest planet in the Solar Arrangement?
h. What is the name of the planet having the highest density in the Solar Arrangement?
i. What is the pregnant of the term Orbit with respect to the Solar Organisation?
j. Why does Life exist on the planet Earth?

Answers to the above questions:

  1. a. Jupitar; b. 92,960,000 miles (149,600,000 km); c. Venus; d. Mars; due east. 238,855 miles (384,400 km); f. Sun; yard. Yuri Gagarin, in 1961; h. 7,918 miles (12,742 km); i. 2061; j. Valentina Tereshkova, in 1963.
  2. 1.->G; 2.->Eastward; 3.->B; iv.->A; 5.->I; 6.->H; vii.->J; viii.->D; 9.->F; 10.->C
  3. a. T; b. T; c. T; d. F; eastward. T; f. T; chiliad. F; h. T; i. T; j. T
  4. a. Mercury and Venus; b. Ganymede; c. Venus; d. Coma; e. Hydrogen; f. Neptune; g. Mars; h. eight; i. Mercury; j. World
  5. a. Mars; b. Juno's mission is to mensurate Jupiter's composition, gravity field, magnetic field, and polar magnetosphere;
    c. 2006; d. Triton, discovered past William Lassell just 17 days after the discovery of Neptune itself; e. Mars is frequently chosen the 'Ruby Planet' considering it appears in the sky equally an orange-carmine star;
    f. photosphere; grand. Jupiter; h. Earth; i. An orbit is a path that an object takes in infinite when it goes around a star, a planet, or a moon; j. We have an ozone layer to block harmful rays

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